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About Neptunia

Neptunia is a Swedish investment company under private Nordic ownership that invests in companies active in the financial services, real estate, and defence and security sectors. The company was founded in 2014 by the brothers Johan and Mikael Karlsson. Johan had previously founded private equity real estate firm Slättö and Mikael had founded Nordic defence and security services and solutions provider MW Group.

Finansiella nyckeltal
  • 2062


    31 mar 2024
  • 30 %


    2016-2024 Q1
  • 1


    Q124 R12

Core holdings

Neptunia has a long-term investment perspective without a stated investment horizon, which enables us to focus on value creation and sustainable growth. Neptunia is a committed owner that exerts influence through owner directives, board representation, and trust capital. The objective of ownership is to actively develop and support our core holdings to become market leading European companies in their respective segments. We adopt a structured approach to continuously evaluate operational and strategic matters together with companies, their management teams and boards. With this proactive approach, we take advantage of value-creating opportunities, provide support, and set demands with the aim of generating a competitive return at a balanced risk. Neptunia’s core holdings consist of Slättö Förvaltning, MW Group, and SIBS.


Slättö Förvaltning

Slättö manages investment funds focused on Nordic real estate investments. It creates and manages funds within its Core Plus and Value Add strategies that invest thematically in housing, logistics properties, hotels and community service properties. Within each segment operational units are responsible for transactions, management, maintenance and development of the funds’ assets. In addition to Neptunia, Slättö is owned by eight operating partners who are active in the company.


MW Group

MW Group is a grouping of Nordic companies that provides services to critical infrastructure and total defence applications.

The group is made up of five business segments and operates in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.



SIBS has developed a market-leading technical system and production concept to streamline and ensure the quality of construction projects.

With a construction system that integrates automated planning with industrial production at factory level, SIBS seeks to drive forward the development of tomorrow’s construction sector so that construction projects cost less, take less time to complete, and are more reliable.

Minority Holdings

Since 2019, Neptunia has built up a portfolio of small, fast-growing companies that drive the digitalisation of services or other technological innovations in Neptunia’s investment areas. Our investments in minority holdings focus on companies run by strong entrepreneurs and where Neptunia becomes one of several experienced investors, who, with shared direction, help companies reach their full potential by providing capital and industrial networks.



Real Alliance brings together a group of autonomously acting brokerage firms that collaborate primarily around ancillary services such as mortgages.



Hedvig was started in 2018 with the aim of revolutionising the insurance industry, with home insurance as one of its core products based on the idea that it should be easy to take out and understand insurance and it should be easy to make claims and receive compensation.



AVY creates digital marketplaces for housing-related products and services by digitalising the relationship between landlords and tenants.



Insurely is a digital insurance provider whose open insurance platform enables insurance companies and other financial actors to gain access to real-time data from the insurance market.



Hydda is a technology group that consists of innovative SaaS solutions for the property industry. By also involving leading property players in the development stage, they create solutions and synergies that the industry needs and demands.



Ingrid Capacity builds the necessary infrastructure for large-scale, efficient energy storage in Sweden that evens out production peaks and provides energy storage that contributes to the stability of the electricity grid.

Financial Investments

As part of Neptunia’s investment strategy, financial investments are managed through Slättö’s funds and in well-established companies in sectors where Neptunia is active. The investments should create synergies for one of our core holdings and can be exchanged for liquidity on a short-term basis. The idea for the category was to support capital raising for Slättö’s funds and to create shared interests with other fund investors. Neptunia’s investments in Slättö’s funds have yielded strong risk adjusted returns and regular preference dividends.