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The Neptunia Board of Directors is composed in such a way as to provide industrial, financial and management expertise. The board has extensive and wide-ranging experience from sectors such as finance, technology, and industry. All members of the board are also owners of Neptunia.

Members of the board offer experience and qualities that are vital to all the decisions that must be made on an ongoing basis in all board work, with the support of established processes and control systems. Clear, transparent and responsible corporate governance is the basis for the trust that is crucial for Neptunia’s continued development. Clearly established guidelines are necessary for the well-functioning co-operation that exists between the board and company management, and which gives the management substantial opportunities to focus on the development of Neptunia’s business.


Gunnar Brock - Styrelseordförande Neptunia

Gunnar Brock

Chairman of the Board

Born: Sweden 1950
Chairman of the Board since: 2017

Selection of assignments:
Chairman Stena AB
Board member ABB Ltde
Board member Investor Aktiebolag

Share holdings: 
2 657 shares

Ownership shares: 4,3 percent

Johan Karlsson

Johan Karlsson

CEO and board member

Born: Sweden 1985
Board member since: 2014

Selection of assignments:
CEO, Slättö Förvaltning AB
Chairman SIBS AB

Share holdings: Indirectly through Brofund AB,
34 461 shares

Ownership shares: 55,6 percent through Brofund Group AB

Mikael Karlsson

Mikael Karlsson

Board member

Born: Sweden 1987
Board member since: 2014

Selection of assignments:
CEO, MW Group AB
Board member Xertified AB
Board member JobAgent I Skandinavien AB

Share holdings: Indirectly through Brofund AB,
34 461 shares

Ownership shares: 55,6 percent through Brofund Group AB

Georg Ehrnrooth

Georg Ehrnrooth

Board member

Born: Finland 1966
Board member since: 2017

Selection of assignments:
Vice Chairman eQ Qyj
Board member Topsin Investments S.A.
Board member Sampo Abp
Board member Anders Wall Foundation

Share holdings:
Indirectly through Topsin Investments S.A. 11 491 shares

Ownership shares: 18,5 percent through Topsin Investments S.A.

Daniel Pilotti

Daniel Pilotti

Board member

Born: Sweden 1974
Board member since: 2014

Selection of assignments:
Chairman Ryska Posten AB
Board member Budbee Holding AB
Board member MW Group AB

Share holdings:
Indirectly through Jeansson Pilotti AB, 1 933 shares

Ownership shares: 3,2 percent through Jeansson Pilotti AB

Johan Malm

Board member

Born: Sweden 1973
Board member since: 2023

Selection of assignments:
Chairman E. Öhman J:or Fonder AB
Board member Quartr AB
Board member Rose & Born AB

Share holdings:
Representative of Öhman J:or Alternative Investments AB, 3 611 shares

Ownership shares: 5,5 percent, Öhman J:or Alternative Investments AB